Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pinterest, Copyright, and My Blog

It's the dreaded "I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long" blog post. Somewhere online I remember seeing someone's montage of this line (Google it, you'll see how cliched it is) so I try not to use it. But, here's the reason for the gap in posting:

A couple of months ago there was a fracas involving a blogger who posted photos of a project she did, said photos made it to Pinterest, and a well-known craft store removed her watermark and used her photo on their Facebook page.

Now, I'm not so arrogant as to worry this would happen to me. I love my own projects, and I know you view my pages for inspiration and may like to see what's going on, but I don't really think any of my images will be going 'viral' on Pinterest anytime soon.

But.... it did get me thinking that it might not be a bad idea to protect myself, and my family (who appear in the majority of my layouts). So for now I'm disabling Pinning on the blog, and I apologize for the inconvenience. Some of you (most of you?) may never have noticed. Others may be annoyed. I do request that if you really would like me to re-enable it, please let me know! If there's a need for it, I will go the other route and watermark my images and let you pin them. But I won't know there's a need for it unless you tell me, so please leave comments or e-mail me at Once I figure out an easy way to watermark (or get a really good camera) I will re-enable.

And with that, I can get back to posting from my phone, which is apparently the only way I can do it regularly. :) Meanwhile, I will be updating with some new CTMH stuff, and doing some catching up with the layouts I've already done.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and Happy Scrapping!

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